
Laundry is a necessary task that everyone has to tackle at some point. However, while the basics of washing clothes may be the same worldwide, there are some differences in how laundry is done in Europe compared to other parts of the world.
Here are a few things to know about laundry in Germany:
Washing machines are common: In Germany, it is very common for households to have a washing machine.
Drying clothes is different: In many parts of Germany, it is common to dry clothes on a clothesline or drying rack rather than using a dryer. This is often due to the cost of electricity and the desire to save energy. However, if you have a dryer, it will likely be a condensation dryer; more on this below.
Laundry care symbols must be used on all clothing sold in Europe.
Overall, doing laundry in Germany is not much different than in other parts of Europe. Just be prepared to hang your clothes up to dry and pay attention to the care instructions on clothing labels. Happy laundering!

Clothing Care Symbols

Laundry symbols instruct how to care for clothing and other household items. These symbols can be found on labels attached to the item and provide information on how to wash, dry, and iron the item.
By following these symbols, you can ensure that your clothes and other household items are properly cared for and stay in good condition.
Washing Care Symbols

Wash using a normal cycle.

Maximum water temperature in celsius at which the item can be washed.

Wash cycle should have a reduced temperature rinse and reduced spin cycle.

Use gentle cycle for items of clothing that could be damaged by a vigorous washing.

Wash garment in a sink or small tub, using a mild detergent.

Item needs to be dry cleaned.
Bleaching Care Symbols

Bleach may be used when needed.

Use only non-chlorine bleaches. (i.e. Bleach for colors)

Item should not be bleached.
Drying Care Symbols

Tumble dry on normal cycle.

Tumble dry on lowest heat.

Tumble dry on medium heat.

Tumble dry on high heat.

Do not tumble dry, air dry only.
Ironing Care Symbols

Item may be ironed.

Iron on lowest possible heat. Maximum 110ºC

Iron using medium heat. Maximum 150ºC

Iron using high heat. Maximum 200ºC

Do not iron item.
Dry Cleaning Care Symbols

Item must be professionally cleaned.

Dry clean only with PCE (Perchloroethylene).

Gentle dry clean only with PCE (Perchloroethylene).

Item should be professionally cleaned using the wet method.

Item should be professionally cleaned gently using wet method.

Item should be professionally cleaned very gently using the wet method.

Item should be professionally cleaned using the dry method.

Item should be professionally cleaned using a petroleum solvent.

Item should be professionally cleaned gently using a petroleum solvent.

Item should not be dry cleaned.
Washing Machines

One significant difference is the type of washing machine most popular in each country. In Germany, front-loading washing machines are the most common type, while top-loading washing machines are more prevalent in the United States. Front-loading washing machines are known for their high performance, low energy consumption, and gentle wash cycles, making them ideal for caring for delicate fabrics.
You may find you are a little confused by the care symbols and wash cycles. While these symbols and cycles are designed to help you properly care for your clothes and household items, they can be intimidating if you are unfamiliar with them.
But don't worry – with our helpful guide below, you can become a pro at understanding and using German washing machine symbols and care cycles.
Abgabefächer für Waschmittelschubladen


Hauptwäsche: Pulver oder Flüssigwaschmittel
Vorwäsche: B- Laugungs- oder Fleckenentfernungsmittel
Verwenden Sie kein amerikanisches Waschmittel in einer europäischen Waschmaschine. Fast alle in den USA hergestellten Waschmittel sind für hocheffiziente Waschmaschinen mit weniger Wasserverbrauch ausgelegt. Die Verwendung dieser Seife in einer europäischen Waschmaschine führt zu übermäßigem Schaum, der die elektronischen Komponenten des Geräts beschädigen kann.
Common Washer Program Einstellungen & mehr


Rinse Plus Additional rinse cycle with more water for areas with very soft water

Fast/Mix/Mixed Laundry Fast washing, mixed textiles

Rotations per Minute Spin Speed

Pre-wash Pre-wash cycle at a low temperature before the main wash cycle

Energy-Optimization Saves energy with the same washing outcome

Finished In Indicates the cycle time remaining

To Pump Out Drains all water out before moving the machine or after cycle stopped during the rinse phase (set spin rotation to "0")

Cold Uses only cold water

Anti-Crease/Light Ironing Reduces wrinkles Uses only cold water

Synthetics or Max Load Clothing made of synthetic fibers or cotton/synthetic blend

Start/Pause Pauses the cycle to add more clothing and resumes (starts) the cycle.
Decalcifying Your Washing Machine
Am besten entkalken Sie Ihre Waschmaschine alle drei bis sechs Monate.
Die Entkalkung Ihrer Waschmaschine ist mit herkömmlichen Haushaltsprodukten oder einem handelsüblichen Entkalker (Maschine Entklaker ) ganz einfach.
Stellen Sie die Wassertemperatur mit beiden Methoden auf mindestens 60 ° C ein.
Wie man mit weißem Essig und Backpulver entkalkt
1. Sprühen Sie die Waschtrommel mit weißem Essig ein. Wischen Sie die Trommel mit einem Mikrofasertuch ab.
2. Wischen Sie die Gummidichtungen an der Tür ab.
3. Gießen Sie zwei Tassen destillierten weißen Essig in den Waschmittelspender.
4. Stellen Sie die Waschmaschine so ein, dass sie im längsten Zyklus bei der heißesten Temperatur läuft.
5. 1/2 Tasse Backpulver direkt in die Trommel geben. Lassen Sie die Waschmaschine erneut laufen.
6. Lassen Sie die Tür offen, damit die Maschine trocknen kann.

Fabric Softener
Laundry Detergent
Washing Machine
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In Europa sind entlüftungslose Kondensationstrockner (Kondensationstrockner) häufiger als die in den USA verwendeten großen belüfteten Trockner. Kondensatortrockner sind kleiner, benötigen keine spezielle Belüftung und sind energieeffizienter. Kondensatortrockner werden jedoch nicht so heiß und es kann länger dauern, bis die Kleidung getrocknet ist.
Lufttrocknende Kleidung kann schneller und viel billiger sein. Auf den ersten Blick mag dies umständlich erscheinen, aber nach etwa einem Monat wird es zur zweiten Natur. Kleidung behält beim Trocknen viel länger ihre Form und Farbe.

Air Drying Clothing
Air drying your clothing is a simple and eco-friendly way to dry your laundry. Not only does it save energy and money on your energy bill, but it also helps extend the life of your clothing by avoiding the heat and tumbling of a dryer.
You'll need a clothesline or drying rack to air dry your clothing. If you don't have an outdoor space or access to a clothesline, you can also use indoor drying racks or hang your clothes on hangers and place them near a window or other airy spot.
When hanging your clothes to air dry, it's important to avoid overcrowding the clothesline or drying rack. This will allow proper airflow and help your clothes dry faster. Separating your clothes by weight and fabric type is also a good idea, as some materials will dry more quickly than others. For example, cotton and linen tend to dry faster than synthetic materials like polyester.
To get the most out of air drying your clothing, try to hang your clothes in a sunny spot. The natural heat and UV rays from the sun can help speed up the drying process and leave your clothes with a fresh, outdoor scent.
Air drying your clothes is a simple and eco-friendly way to do your laundry. It's a great alternative to using a dryer and can help extend the life of your clothing.
Wie funktionieren Kondensationstrockner?
1. Umgebungsluft (kühle Luft) tritt in den Trockner ein.
2. Umgebungsluft tritt in den Wärmetauscher ein und wird erwärmt.
3. Umgebungsluft (warm und trocken) tritt aus dem Wärmetauscher aus.
4. Prozessluft (erwärmte Luft) tritt in die Trommel ein, um Feuchtigkeit und trockene Ladung aufzunehmen.
5. Prozess (nass) tritt in den Wärmetauscher ein, wird gekühlt und setzt Feuchtigkeit frei.
6. Prozessluft (trocken) tritt aus dem Wärmetauscher aus.
7. Prozessluft tritt in die Heizung ein und wird erwärmt.
Ablassen . Wasser wird gesammelt und in den Abfluss gepumpt.
Gemeinsame Trocknersymbole
Dryer Settings & Programs

Cotton Cotton laundry, bed linen, towels, & underwear

Synthetics Clothing made of synthetic fibers or cotton/synthetic blend

Mixed Fibers Cotton, linen, & mixed fibers

Silk Silk Items

Wool Wool items including hand-wash wool items

Duvet/Blanket Duvets, comforters & blankets
Indicator Lamps

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